GlobalTSS Referral Program

Join Our Referral Rewards Program!

At GlobalTSS, we thrive on the trust and satisfaction of our clients. We’re excited to introduce our Referral Rewards Program to show our appreciation. Here’s how it works:

  1. Refer a new company to GlobalTSS.
  2. When they sign a contract, you receive a $50 Visa Gift Card.
  3. Your business also enjoys $200 off your next invoice.

Submit your referrals through our dedicated referral form below. Thank you for helping us grow through your valued recommendations!

Referral Rewards System for GlobalTSS


  • Open to current clients referring new companies to GlobalTSS.
  • The referred company must sign a contract with GlobalTSS.


  1. Referrer Reward:

    • $50 Visa Gift Card for every successful referral.
  2. Referring Business Reward:

    • $200 off on the next invoice for the business where the referring person works.


  • Referrals are submitted through a dedicated form on the GlobalTSS website.
  • Rewards are issued within 60 days of the new client signing a contract.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Referrals must be new clients not previously engaged with GlobalTSS.
  • Rewards apply to contracts with a minimum one-year duration.